Procedural programming paradigm
A procedural programming paradigm is a programming technique that works in a step by step method. In order for this method to work you have to create a sequence of instructions of steps, thus telling the computer what to do first and then second. Typical procedural programming languages are C++, C, FORTRAN, pascal, and BASIC.
Application: It can help the user to solve the calculations for scientific and engineering usage.
There's several limits to this, the first one being it's pretty difficult to change once it's been modified due to the layout, making you have to search through the whole program to find the problem. Procedural is also difficult to relate with real world objects and becomes quite difficult to maintain when the code becomes larger. Procedural languages also don't have automatic memory management like some languages, making the programmer worry about the memory management of the program. There's also no security to the data, leaving it all exposed.
Object Oriented Programming
Object oriented programming is a a programming language model organized around objects rather than actions and around data rather than logic. Object is best described as its own class in programming and it has two key areas, state and behaviour. Oriented programming is also a type of programming, not only does it describe the database of a data structure but it also describes the types of operations. Most languages are actually developed using the OOP concept. C++ and Java are examples of OOP.
It's actually easier to modify the code. Object oriented programming encourages the programmer to place code in classes so it's less directly accessible by the computer system, instead, the data is accessed by calling specially written functions, these are called methods. The methods act as a special rule of sorts which are used to change the code.
Object oriented programs are bigger in file size due to the lines of code they use for standard applications, this means that they'll slower due to the bigger amount of memory usage. Object oriented programs also require a lot of work to create. Meaning a great deal of planning goes into an object oriented program well before a single piece of code is even written, initially, this early effort was felt by a big chunk of people as pointless and a waste of their time. Programs were a lot larger, causing coders to spend way more time actually writing the program.
Event Driven Programming
Event driven programming is a way to allow the programs to respond to several different inputs or events. This is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by the events of movement. The signals can be from any source, it doesn't matter, and most common are timers, input devices and sensors.
Event driven programming is normally interactive programs, making it extremely important for user based programs due to modern GUI (graphical user interface) programs using event driven programming, for example desktop publications and audio editing software.
Event driven programs normally require a larger amount of processing power due to the need of continuously active event loops. Therefore, more processing power will be required for the computer. Event driven programming is more complex, making it harder for smaller programs. The flow of the program is usually less logical and obvious too.
Choosing a Programming Language
Support and configuration
Platform support is a fairly important factor that decides which programming language to choose. For example, application to be deployed on Microsoft platform can actually be programmed using Microsoft's programming suite like Visual Sutdio whereas Internet applications and mobile applications can be coded fairly easily with Java. PHP and HTML can also be used when it comes to internet applications as it depends on the utility of the application on the platform type.
Development time
For quick development of the project, high-level languages like Visual basic can actually be used to accelerate the pace of development. However, where time is not a constraint for the client, some other programming language in the same category of application like C/C++ can even be used.
Development cost
In order to suit the budget of the end-user or client, the selection of the language does actually make a difference to the budget. Languages where the license must be purchased separately will cost more compared to open-source languages. This is the reason that PHP applications are more economical over applications.
Efficiency: The efficiency of an application depends upon various factors and the selection of programming languages is one of the major ones that influences performance. If we put it in the context of web application development languages, like Perl and PHP, Perl is supposed to be more efficient than PHP in terms of its speed and usefulness, but, PHP can be learnt easier and it's easier to implement.
Reliability: How much an application will last under stress condition is another major factor which decides the selection of a language for an application. In-built features of these specific languages make them more reliable and less prone to failure or crashes.
Benefits of Data Types
Having many different data types have several benefits and advantages. You can efficiently store data without wasting it and it allows you to write your application code without re-implementing standard data types. The various datatypes also allow the developer to describe how the data is to be stored inside of a program. It also allows the developer of the code to understand the maximum and the minimum values that could and might be stored there. An example of a data type is string, string is very useful for programmers because it can hold multiple characters without needing to use the data type char. Here's an example of some string:
char[] helloArray = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '.' };
String helloString = new String(helloArray);
Char is also another data type that's extremely useful to programmers, you'd use char when you need to hold only a single character. When you use char you'll need to use quotation marks, here's an example of char:
char ch = 'a'; // Unicode for uppercase Greek omega character char uniChar = '\u039A'; // an array of chars char[] charArray ={ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' };
Floating point is another data type in which the number in it have decimals (1.2, 4.6). Floating point is similar to integer but as said before, it has decimals and integer doesn't. There's also no fixed numbers before and after the decimal point.
0.085: bits: 31 30-23 22-0 binary: 0 01111011 01011100001010001111011 decimal: 0 123 3019899
Boolean is apart of a larger group of algebra that is used for creating a true or false statement. A boolean can be written in both algorithms and coding.
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